Well water testing in New Jersey

Eliminate well water worries with regular testing
Culligan testing strip

Culligan well water tests

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rules that protect public drinking water systems do not apply to privately owned wells. As a well owner, it’s up to you to make sure that your water is safe to drink.
Collecting a well water sample for testing isn’t as easy as turning on the tap. Well owners frequently get false positive results because they do not properly collect the sample or get it to the laboratory in the time frame required for an accurate test. Contact your local Culligan water experts for accurate sampling and comprehensive water testing from an EPA-certified lab.

When should you get your well water tested?

The EPA recommends all private wells be tested annually for coliform bacteria, nitrates and arsenic. Every 2 - 3 years they recommend testing for tannins, hardness, chloride, sulfate, alkalinity, iron and copper. Spring is the best time to test your well due to higher rainfall, which percolates through the soil into your well.
Additional testing recommendations
New baby
1. New baby
If you're pregnant or have an infant, nitrates in the water can be especially dangerous.
Soil disturbance
2. Soil disturbance
Flooding, construction and other events that disrupt the soil can contaminate your well.
Well maintenance
3. Well maintenance
If you replace or repair any part of your well system, you should confirm it's working properly.
Water changes
4. Water changes
A change in water quality (taste, smell or appearance) can indicate a new problem.
Schedule a well water test today